Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where is the colon health begins ?

It's been quite a debate on colon cleansing in recent years. People who swear by it, they walk often evidence of the disease, which can be swept from the body this way. But people who have never done before they can think of colon cleansing sounds a little strange, and really, who can blame them? However, it is a fact that common 21st century schemes are largely abnormal for the human species, and that much of what is colon cleansing so important in today's world.

It may also surprise you that until 30 years ago, colon cleansing, liver cleansing, and even with coffee enemas, standard protocols in the Merck Manual has been recommended. But in cleaning the colon last thirty years has been swept under the carpet. Far more profitable drugs and surgical techniques are replaced by simply removing a lot of dirt accumulated on the body.

But colon cleansing is not just an invention of the 20th Century. A largely unknown book called the Essene Gospel of Peace, claims the teaching of Jesus Christ and bears, he discusses the bowel cleaning. There is even talk about all diseases consisting of impure food, which would be the work of the devil. The Essene Gospel of Peace is said to have been translated from an ancient manuscript hidden in the secret archives of the Vatican. Here is a sample of what is inside.

"Verily I say unto you, the stain is much greater than the uncleanness without. And whoever purifies himself outside, but inside, he remains unclean, is like a tomb, which are painted on the outside of fairs, but full of all sorts are terrible uncleanness and abominations. "

"Seek, therefore, a large pumpkin with a final stem length of a man to take his heart and fill it with water from the river, which has the sun. Hang on, it warms the bough of a tree, and kneel on the floor the angel of water, and suffer at the end of the probe of the leak gourd to enter your part to prevent the Water can flow through your intestines. Then the rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water that is free from your body uncleanness and disease. Then, the water agency assumed that they result from all unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan ".
Long after these words were spoken, where colon cleansing is a popular technique many successful healers and medical practitioners throughout the world.

Legendary Healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen has also coined the phrase "Death begins in the gut. Dr Jensen lived to 92 years and had great success removing "disease" incurable many organizations, by cleaning the colon and practice safe food. These days, the statement that death begins in the colon is more there for decades. And the word that begins today.

This is the case, because the schemes are worse than ever before in history. They are more chemically driven sweeter, more meat and are more oriented processing, that is a recipe for disaster in the large intestine and the entire body. According to studies by the Royal Society of Medicine in Germany ", 90% of all chronic diseases are caused by infection of the gastrointestinal tract." The only thing on a chemical transformation, very sweet and meat heavy food to food is that our bodies are not equipped to handle all these things. And if we can not process, often we can not eliminate it.

This means that faeces found in our old body and damage the walls of our colon. In short, why constipation is very common and sell pharmaceutical companies, 1.5 billion of laxatives each year. In our body, that does not begin removing dirt to rot and decay.

After years and decades, the accumulation of these can cause absolute chaos rot diseases. It can lead to disease in the colon, or somewhere in the body. The colon walls are porous, and which is made in the final column in the blood where they can be transported across drain to accumulate in the body. Where it accumulates is often the deciding factor in the symptoms or the disease develops, your body. Now, things are even worse, called because the majority of the population lives with a disorder common fungus Candida overgrowth.

Although we really should also contain small amounts of Candida in our intestines have Candida proliferation is a problem when the healthy bacteria are killed in our colon. This is generally attributed to chemicals in our food, chlorine has been in our water, antibiotics such as candy, drugs and steroid pills. If we no longer our healthy bacteria that keep Candida in small numbers, the yeast Candida grew in importance. Finally, he turns into a mushroom.

After it is covered in your colon, candida eat small holes in your colon walls to escape and live in your blood, or somewhere in your body. This leads to many problems, but most of our days many people are also small holes in the walls were dirt colon from the colon in order to get the blood very easily. This leads to pollution of the body, not only in the intestine, but throughout the body and is a major cause of illness.

Cleaning your colon is a step to bring them all out. If you combine it with other colon cleansing process of purifying the body, such as cleaning the liver and other advanced protocols, it is possible to achieve deeper levels of toxicity in the body to eliminate the last hard to remove disease.

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