Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Total cleanse the body: clean, why is autumn?

Summer is a time of abundance, usually filled with many activities and events with family and friends, picnics, parties and holidays. Rather it is a very strong time of year packed with many activities in 3 months only. Under these circumstances, it is not unusual to get more food, beverage and environmental issues that do not take as good for the body as alcohol, sugar, ice cream, processed and / or grilled meats, baking soda, chlorine, etc.

Autumn is the perfect time to do a total clean the body and contribute to the body and mind feel its best. According to the Chinese Five Element theory is linked to the fall season with the metal element that affects the lungs and large intestine. The lungs and large intestine energies are to operate at a peak in autumn, and take in vital energy output, which is not necessary. The imbalance in the metallic element can lead to excessive mucus, asthma, coughs, bronchitis, sinusitis and ear infections, asthma, skin disorders, headaches, fatigue, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

Excess toxins that are active in the system during the summer months, more are now trying to include a path through the channels of the body available to the colon, lung and skin have accumulated clear. By this time an adjustment is made, and the harmony of the body to detoxify thoroughly and effectively supported.

By choosing carefully clean the lungs and large intestine in the fall, you can often ward off common colds and flu and cancer. Spicy foods like Chili Peppers and are good for the protection of the lung. White hot foods such as garlic, ginger, can beets, radishes, cabbage, daikon, radish, and common especially important to include these colors, as in particular to the lungs. Cooked By eating these foods raw or lightly is their impact is maximized.

Dark green vegetables, orange and gold are very useful for maintaining the immune system and increased protection for lung cancer and disadvantages. The chlorophyll in green foods is very favorable to inhibit the virus and to help the lungs during the course of toxic residues. Eat plenty of broccoli, parsley, cabbage, turnips and mustard greens, watercress, wheat or barley grass, spirulina and blue-green algae. Include golden-orange vegetables such as carrots, squash and pumpkins. Fiber will help the intestines, so make sure plenty of vegetables and whole fruits and seeds, rich in fiber, such as soil soaked flax seeds and chia seeds. For better health, immunity, energy, and even digestion, can purify body in the fall just the right thing to spend the holiday and winter season in top form.

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