Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Age is less than in the wild

Age discrimination has always been and continues to be a fact of life - not affirmative action there. But lately I've noticed that the development is not really horrible numbers, but the type of jobs are available. Companies used to worship experiences, learning from the mistakes of the elderly so that they advance in society again without the mistakes. Now we seem them in humiliating situations for comic relief push. Consider the following:

When I was in college, there was a regular meeting at home, every Wednesday at 7 Clock This consists of students from several departments and the occasional professor. This strict convened Passel, primarily for the purpose of watching Star Trek. We all took it very seriously, investigate precisely in silence, and then, details about beer at the end.
This is not an isolated case. I've always admired Jamie Lee Curtis because of his versatility. She moved slightly, from "Scream Queen") in horror movies (Halloween, sex symbol (Trading Places) to the slapstick comedy (A Fish Called Wanda) and all kinds of drama in between. She has written nine books for children and is an inventor who holds a patent for soft tissues.

But now this woman, whose career included punching and pushing Swartzenegger Arnold attempted strangulation of Tia Carrere is determined, reducing a serious commitment to discuss too much detail and how terrible the yogurt it sells will increase the speed of your duties to the gut.

If you do not have this disturbing development in disinfranchisment convinced gray, as you see Donald Trump, comb Declaration on the firmly glued there, peddling cookies on television hosting a show or wrestling? Of course, the cynics presented in May, Bob Barker to the King of The Price is Right moves Trump successful event wrestling as well, but it seems natural, since Barker in its 80th That had me convinced that Heather Mills, right, and life as we know it's over.
I am tempted to blame global warming, I declare that I am going to be a liberal and rich selling carbon credits, but a little more, this kind of desperation seems to be feckless apocalyptic for a sunny autumn day.

Frankly, I am of degrading initiation rites of bikini waxing, pedicures and bowel cleaning are necessary to enter into worship of fear, so I decided to try to investigate sense of the environment, as some of our wildlife neighbors support the process of maturation.

This proved a difficult task than I thought, because people are so competitive.

The literature reports on the short-tailed shrews, lived longer than any other fully, but it contains little about how things are for them, like them in nature. The statistics of life are always produced by animals in captivity, with a continuous supply of the best food and veterinary care. Freedom against the dangers of the natural life makes a big difference.

May have been an actuary with extreme accident hitting a foot, while a taxi could be on his way to six months, his physique another process of aging of a big game hunter, who in a tent for 350 days in the life of the year and sews her their injuries in attack was a leopard, with a braided fishing line.

Similarly reached Cottontail rabbit in the London Zoo, the venerable age of 10 years. The young woman born in my hedge last autumn, has had three litters this summer, his ear was torn off in a territorial unit combat, and she holds three large warble larvae under the skin. The pressures that have left end productive and it is unlikely, at its 18th Month.

It is quite characteristic of wild things.

There are no concerns of aging, because they did not. It was a robins nest in the tree in my driveway in the last 10 years. We always say that the robins are back, but in fact it is extremely rare that a red bra to a northward migration of others, particularly women, when she raised a second brood. We are witnesses of the 10th Generation of Robins.

The average life expectancy of a meadow mouse is measured in days, about 120 of them still in captivity, she remained four years. The ring-necked Dove stupid as to leave the daughter of two in our house when she went to college in his 24th Year and continue to maintain records of the amount of shit product and its quality "sweet-smelling set.

Recently I thought I could find some solace watching the animals with a very short life, to awaken. The registered owner is the aptly named ephemeral Gastrotricha, a small sea creatures that lived only three days. Unfortunately, this is of some animals that do not age at all residential, balanced, growing slowly until something catastrophic happens. Examples are the rough eye rockfish (205 years so far), the red sea urchin (200), and a particularly nasty clam called Praire, the oldest was found that more than 400 years and still going strong.

It seems that the common Painted Turtle, which is in all the pools we also immune to aging, but no one has noticed, so that the elderly were able to document, is about 60 years. Well, if they look like in 400 years or so, I'll write another article, so you can understand how things work.

Maybe a pregnant Halle Berry goes further Colon Cleansing!

California - Halle Berry visits a private home office in Los Angeles, California, on September 10, 2009, where they allegedly replaced colon cleansing treatments. Halle Berry still looks always with the sexy, loose-fitting clothing. It is rumored that the sexy actress about her mother and is currently 3 months pregnant with her second child. Berry has neither confirm nor deny these rumors, but the sitter what they wear loose clothing in lately it seems a confirmation of silence!

A healthy body with Colon Cleanse

Colon cleansing is important for our health. Since our colon is the most important part of the body. For everything that we eat, the food we order to eat, we drink the liquid, passes through the large intestine. This is an important part of the body, because it takes water, food waste into the small intestine.

Daily stool is important for the overall health of the body. Our body needs food to eliminate at least 18 to 24 hours after the meal. And if a person has at least one seat per day, it is unpleasant to you and we and our institutions at risk of serious health problems. Since the semi-regularly can help prevent the accumulation of toxins in the colon that can be trapped in the feces in the colon walls. The accumulation of toxins can cause gastrointestinal illness. The accumulation of the toxin can even lead to colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Regular bowel movements every day may also reduce the accumulation of feces. Improve the faeces in the intestine may lead to an increase in the weight of your colon up to ten times its original weight. Thus natural colon cleanse is very important and essential.

Natural colon cleanse can help Erscheinungsjahr of toxic faecal matter can accumulate in the body. If the colon is not cleaned, this can cause an overload of toxins from the gut, digestive system and even into the bloodstream. Cleaning the colon is of course important, because they used cleaning supplements that contain no chemicals.

Cleaning natural supplements are made from natural herbal ingredients. This plant is used as psyllium and herbs instead of chemicals. Thus, this method of cleaning the body can respond naturally. Another advantage is that the plants used in these natural supplements disinfectant properties. This feature eliminates all the worms and parasites, which can contain your colon and eliminate these parasites can result in less pain and bloating. Another advantage of the cleansing is weight loss. Because feces are excluded influenced pounds with this process. So your body is lighter, smaller and may even feel more energy.

But how do you know if you need colon cleansing? Some symptoms of an overloaded colon are gas, constipation, fatigue, and the feeling that there are more retired after finishing a bowel movement. You can also headache, lethargy, mental and physical, joint pains, bad skin and restless sleep.

Saddles are often irregular, not enough food by humans, fiber and water in their diet. And accumulation of toxins can also be caused by consuming too much caffeine, fried foods, meat, soda, refined sugar and white flour. But with natural cleanse the intestines, may be natural constituents of plants, of course, water and expands the colon to eliminate the toxins colon cleanse process is very important for a healthy body

Halle Berry is Clean as a whistle

Halle Berry is a private residence in Los Angeles, where she would undergo a routine colon cleanse. Hall put all the rumors of pregnancy for coal baby clothes tight shows no rest in sight. Cleaning suggest frequent trips into trying to maintain their health and body in perfect condition.

Total cleanse the body: clean, why is autumn?

Summer is a time of abundance, usually filled with many activities and events with family and friends, picnics, parties and holidays. Rather it is a very strong time of year packed with many activities in 3 months only. Under these circumstances, it is not unusual to get more food, beverage and environmental issues that do not take as good for the body as alcohol, sugar, ice cream, processed and / or grilled meats, baking soda, chlorine, etc.

Autumn is the perfect time to do a total clean the body and contribute to the body and mind feel its best. According to the Chinese Five Element theory is linked to the fall season with the metal element that affects the lungs and large intestine. The lungs and large intestine energies are to operate at a peak in autumn, and take in vital energy output, which is not necessary. The imbalance in the metallic element can lead to excessive mucus, asthma, coughs, bronchitis, sinusitis and ear infections, asthma, skin disorders, headaches, fatigue, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

Excess toxins that are active in the system during the summer months, more are now trying to include a path through the channels of the body available to the colon, lung and skin have accumulated clear. By this time an adjustment is made, and the harmony of the body to detoxify thoroughly and effectively supported.

By choosing carefully clean the lungs and large intestine in the fall, you can often ward off common colds and flu and cancer. Spicy foods like Chili Peppers and are good for the protection of the lung. White hot foods such as garlic, ginger, can beets, radishes, cabbage, daikon, radish, and common especially important to include these colors, as in particular to the lungs. Cooked By eating these foods raw or lightly is their impact is maximized.

Dark green vegetables, orange and gold are very useful for maintaining the immune system and increased protection for lung cancer and disadvantages. The chlorophyll in green foods is very favorable to inhibit the virus and to help the lungs during the course of toxic residues. Eat plenty of broccoli, parsley, cabbage, turnips and mustard greens, watercress, wheat or barley grass, spirulina and blue-green algae. Include golden-orange vegetables such as carrots, squash and pumpkins. Fiber will help the intestines, so make sure plenty of vegetables and whole fruits and seeds, rich in fiber, such as soil soaked flax seeds and chia seeds. For better health, immunity, energy, and even digestion, can purify body in the fall just the right thing to spend the holiday and winter season in top form.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Truth About Colon Cleansing: A step towards improving the health of the digestive system

Colon cleansing is the process of cleaning the colon, intestines and digestive tract of accumulated faecal compact blocks, the problems in your system. Colon cleansing sounds intrusive and unpleasant, but it is really an effective way to dramatically improve your digestive health. Colon cleansing is very beneficial for a number of reasons. It reduces not only the many cases of chronic constipation and diarrhea, but it also contributes more efficiently to the consolidation of waste and helps the body to release a regular and less painful. There are also benefits that can be through the gastrointestinal tract, including colon cleansing have the side effect of weight loss, because the question, it clears the digestive tract can collect three to thirty pounds, depending on the person. If these advantages that might interest you, you should be equipped with the knowledge of techniques and their effectiveness in terms of informed decision that comes to your health benefits.

Although there are many methods to clean the colon, are the most famous and expensive medical procedures, is a type called colon hydrotherapy. Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonic irrigation or colon, the filtration of water in the after-affects of the intestine, the FDA approved aid in sterile plastic tubes. If done correctly, it's a very sterile process. Of course, you want to find the leg work to a qualified technician hydrotherapy. In fact, more powers and comments are the technicians, the better your experience.

There are several methods of cleaning the colon that are so simple that you can easily and safely perform in the privacy of your home. With this type of cleaning are the most important of laxatives and enemas. An enema is similar to the hydro-therapy, as it fit into a small plastic tube into your rectum, forcing a small amount of liquid. Although this process is fairly simple, only a minimal effect because they lower segments of the intestine, often causing unpleasant symptoms can run on return. Laxatives are another low-impact way to temporarily disable your gut. A laxative is often in the form of a pill, liquid or chewable tablets and is taken orally, eliminating the temporary forms of constipation and loose stools as the process by promoting contractions of the muscles' belly.

Cleaning equipment are also methods for consumption. Cleaner herbs often come in the form of tablets by mouth that you can buy at your local pharmacy taken. These products also relieve occasional constipation. Cleaner herbs are in a fad for the comfort and effective complaints sometimes have little effect on the elimination of waste compact in the intestine.

By far the most effective method for cleaning the colon cleaning products on the market today are based oxygen. This method consists of pills, by the consent of your doctor to provide oxygen to the body that AIDS required removal of faeces from the rectum, intestine and the colon walls. Colon cleansing pills deliver oxygen and harmful toxins from the digestive tract and are highly emotional and receive little or no signs of discomfort or dehydration. The doctors in this area often recommend the use of oxygen cleaner with sessions of colonic hydrotherapy combined for optimal results.

Colon cleansing therapy is the best way to improve the health of your digestion, and offer other attractive benefits. Before on the road to Colon Cleansing in-depth consultation with your doctor about how to obtain more information about the process and help to determine which method is right for you can help.

Halle Berry Gets Her Colon Cleansed Again?

Halle Berry, which is banned short second before the rampant rumors of a pregnancy seen leaving a home in Los Angeles, California, 24 September 2009. What about the private house?
According to the reports, where it is, the house in which Halle Berry was reportedly identified the treatment for the regular cleaning of the colon.

Medical Edge: colon cleansing is not recommended

In general, there is a colon cleansing "is not a good idea. Sometimes you have to prepare people to a medical procedure or test, as to undergo a colonoscopy or X-ray of the colon. All waste must be from the gut, so that the cover can be removed to be read by both processes. But unless a doctor has recommended as preparation for such a procedure, I strongly advised against, causing the people of the cleansing of the colon. It can be traumatic injuries of the colon and cause long-term medical problems.

Colon cleansing is a process of emptying the colon of waste and bacteria. The most common methods are an enema - inserting a tube through the anal canal and lower part of the large intestine (rectum), then swallowing the existence of the liquid through the tube and into the colon - or a liquid to remove the two points to their content. At an inlet pressure of the fluid in the upper intestine is necessary to achieve - usually a four or five yards - and a pump is often used to force the liquid through the colon. Within minutes, the liquid is out of the bowels, and with it the waste. Unless specifically recommended by a doctor, bowel cleansing should not be attempted, for several reasons. First, by the fluid pressure on the colon lining of the colon damage. In some cases the pressure can really tear a hole in the large intestine.

Second, clean, gut and are regularly carried out, the ability of the colon in order to harm the right to work. The main function of the colon is to store waste and push waste from the body with muscle contractions. The muscles of the wall of the colon necessary to keep in shape effective, the wastes move through the intestine. With an artificial technique, which is such as colon cleansing, colon do not need to work hard to move debris and can weaken the muscles and less efficient. This can inhibit the body's ability to expel waste normally.

Advocates of colon cleansing toxins from the gastrointestinal application can result in health problems such as arthritis, allergies and asthma. It is said that cleaning the colon removes these toxins, thus promoting better health. There is no scientific evidence to support this theory. The digestive system and colon, of course, to eliminate waste and bacteria, the body needs to cleanse the colon, do so.

Some people use colon cleansing as a remedy for constipation. The cleaning can help to clear the waste, but no long-term solution for constipation. For some, a combination of dietary changes - such as adding more fluid and fiber - and regular physical activity can help prevent constipation. But for others Constipation is a difficult problem that requires medical attention to determine the cause and identify a suitable treatment.

If constipation is a chronic problem, or if you have other concerns about the health of the digestive system, ask your doctor. Colon cleansing is not an effective treatment for these or other diseases and has the potential for serious side effects, including long-term damage caused in the colon.

Body Cleansing System

Cleaning system of the body is always a method that is becoming more popular around the world. People embrace the idea, with methods to detoxify the body is the search for optimal health and wellbeing.

Supporters say that the body is clean, there are many benefits from the different treatments available. Some experts say that a better greeting of the digestive system and strengthening the immune system. Many say they were cured of headaches and arthritis. Others say that the body is to maintain a clean way, or for REACH optimal body weight. Despite claiming the support of a large number of experts, the body has its own methods of cleaning itself. Respiratory purifies the body of carbon dioxide during the kidneys and the liver filters the body of impurities and waste.

Cleaning the colon can be a set of purification methods well known state and is used by the ancient Greeks. By cleaning the colon, the idea is to distribute the points thanks to all the places. Easy to clean One way is to remove the points thanks to products specifically designed for ACT came a purchase laxative. These may take the form of pills, herbal teas and enemas. Another method that is often used to clean the intestines and irrigation. Alta Irrigation beginning always more popular in the early twentieth century. This is a form of colonic irrigation, which has a tube inserted into the rectum is the greatest. MANY gallons of water through the tube allows the colon flushed expel its contents. Experts warn on the dangers that are too bacterial infection colon cleansing when using contaminated equipment, and the risk of damage to the colon with irrigation. Proponents argue, but the risk is minimal and the results are better health of the digestive system and immune system stronger.

A detox diet is also used to purify the body from impurities. The individual will be faster and consumes little juice and herbs for 24 hours Cover for 45 days, depending on the method used. The theory behind this method is for the body to cleanse all the impurities that by eating foods that are treated with pesticides or preservatives are added to our catalog on. An important aspect in a detoxification diet What I remember is to keep the body hydrated at all times. Some participants dehydrated is difficult to do when using this method is very important to drink plenty of water. Those who have the right one more energy and less digestive problems after performing a cleansing diet.

Integrator of herbs and vitamins is also thought to purify the body of any impurities, plus an increase in the immune system. The theory is that certain supplements can fight bacteria, helping the liver, cleansing the body of all impurities. This method is with much skepticism, since the conviction of most dietary supplements are not filled adequately absorbed by the body.

Inner Beauty: A Healthy Colon

Does your colon cleansing really need?

Few issues divide the worlds of conventional and alternative medicine quite so crass.
After a plethora of Web sites, spas and wellness clinics, the typical American diet of processed foods, pharmaceuticals, stress and lack of exercise clogging our lower digestive tract, so they lit and lined with waste and leaking toxins into the body that problems chronic headaches and fatigue to arthritis and cellulite cause. Everything "has stubbornly excrement" and the bulging bellies and people getting fatter and fatter, cleansing proponents claim.

The removal of the structure, either with supplements or laxatives, colonics, or by flushing the colon with warm water, a practice as "hydrotherapy" or "known, and may therefore significantly the health and welfare, advocates say raising. "Colonics help people from that, what was going on, so they should be a feeling of 'Wow, that's what I like to feel," says Kim Dupre, owner of Wellville Healing Arts Center in Durham, NC , and certified by an international organization shall be of colon hydro-therapist.

Gastroenterologists pah-pah, many of these claims. Healthy settlers are self-cleaning, they say, and the evacuation of the colon by other means can inflict serious damage, even causing the inertia of the cleaning purports to fix. "I've seen a lot of settlers and the notion that man is evil toxins pounds of manure and then built up a fantasy," said John I. Allen, Minnesota, gastroenterologists, more than 20,000 colonoscopies, including many patients who are not drunk, the traditional medical cleaning preparations have previously carried out has. Claims for colonics and other forms of cleaning, says Dr. Allen, "only the people's fears and the desire to lose weight to play."

Where is the colon health begins ?

It's been quite a debate on colon cleansing in recent years. People who swear by it, they walk often evidence of the disease, which can be swept from the body this way. But people who have never done before they can think of colon cleansing sounds a little strange, and really, who can blame them? However, it is a fact that common 21st century schemes are largely abnormal for the human species, and that much of what is colon cleansing so important in today's world.

It may also surprise you that until 30 years ago, colon cleansing, liver cleansing, and even with coffee enemas, standard protocols in the Merck Manual has been recommended. But in cleaning the colon last thirty years has been swept under the carpet. Far more profitable drugs and surgical techniques are replaced by simply removing a lot of dirt accumulated on the body.

But colon cleansing is not just an invention of the 20th Century. A largely unknown book called the Essene Gospel of Peace, claims the teaching of Jesus Christ and bears, he discusses the bowel cleaning. There is even talk about all diseases consisting of impure food, which would be the work of the devil. The Essene Gospel of Peace is said to have been translated from an ancient manuscript hidden in the secret archives of the Vatican. Here is a sample of what is inside.

"Verily I say unto you, the stain is much greater than the uncleanness without. And whoever purifies himself outside, but inside, he remains unclean, is like a tomb, which are painted on the outside of fairs, but full of all sorts are terrible uncleanness and abominations. "

"Seek, therefore, a large pumpkin with a final stem length of a man to take his heart and fill it with water from the river, which has the sun. Hang on, it warms the bough of a tree, and kneel on the floor the angel of water, and suffer at the end of the probe of the leak gourd to enter your part to prevent the Water can flow through your intestines. Then the rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water that is free from your body uncleanness and disease. Then, the water agency assumed that they result from all unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan ".
Long after these words were spoken, where colon cleansing is a popular technique many successful healers and medical practitioners throughout the world.

Legendary Healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen has also coined the phrase "Death begins in the gut. Dr Jensen lived to 92 years and had great success removing "disease" incurable many organizations, by cleaning the colon and practice safe food. These days, the statement that death begins in the colon is more there for decades. And the word that begins today.

This is the case, because the schemes are worse than ever before in history. They are more chemically driven sweeter, more meat and are more oriented processing, that is a recipe for disaster in the large intestine and the entire body. According to studies by the Royal Society of Medicine in Germany ", 90% of all chronic diseases are caused by infection of the gastrointestinal tract." The only thing on a chemical transformation, very sweet and meat heavy food to food is that our bodies are not equipped to handle all these things. And if we can not process, often we can not eliminate it.

This means that faeces found in our old body and damage the walls of our colon. In short, why constipation is very common and sell pharmaceutical companies, 1.5 billion of laxatives each year. In our body, that does not begin removing dirt to rot and decay.

After years and decades, the accumulation of these can cause absolute chaos rot diseases. It can lead to disease in the colon, or somewhere in the body. The colon walls are porous, and which is made in the final column in the blood where they can be transported across drain to accumulate in the body. Where it accumulates is often the deciding factor in the symptoms or the disease develops, your body. Now, things are even worse, called because the majority of the population lives with a disorder common fungus Candida overgrowth.

Although we really should also contain small amounts of Candida in our intestines have Candida proliferation is a problem when the healthy bacteria are killed in our colon. This is generally attributed to chemicals in our food, chlorine has been in our water, antibiotics such as candy, drugs and steroid pills. If we no longer our healthy bacteria that keep Candida in small numbers, the yeast Candida grew in importance. Finally, he turns into a mushroom.

After it is covered in your colon, candida eat small holes in your colon walls to escape and live in your blood, or somewhere in your body. This leads to many problems, but most of our days many people are also small holes in the walls were dirt colon from the colon in order to get the blood very easily. This leads to pollution of the body, not only in the intestine, but throughout the body and is a major cause of illness.

Cleaning your colon is a step to bring them all out. If you combine it with other colon cleansing process of purifying the body, such as cleaning the liver and other advanced protocols, it is possible to achieve deeper levels of toxicity in the body to eliminate the last hard to remove disease.